Nineteen Ninety-two

Nineteen Ninety-twoNineteen Ninety-two
  1. Woman : Well , I started in nineteen ninety-two as Account Manager .


  2. Unemployment has reached seven and six-tenths percent , the highest rate since nineteen ninety-two .


  3. That organization , based in the United States , held the first World Mental Health Day in nineteen ninety-two .


  4. Nineteen ninety-two was the last year that the Summer and Winter Olympics were held together .


  5. The researchers also ed the use of insecticide chemicals by the Chinese farmers from nineteen ninety-two to two thousand eight .


  6. In nineteen ninety-two , Aravind established what was described as Asia 's first training center for the prevention of blindness .


  7. For example , Physicians for Peace has had a program to treat burn victims in Nicaragua since nineteen ninety-two .


  8. But in nineteen ninety-two , she visited Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan .


  9. American troops intervened at the end of nineteen ninety-two to provide security for United Nations efforts to aid millions of Somalis .


  10. The report says the median net worth of families in twenty-ten was close to the same levels as in nineteen ninety-two .


  11. This June in Brazil , delegates will mark the twentieth anniversary of what is commonly known as the Earth Summit . The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development took place in Rio de Janeiro in nineteen ninety-two .
